Tag Archive: Spirit

Dreaming Your Prophetic Life

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Dreaming Your Prophetic Life

Dreaming Your Prophetic Life

One of the more common means for the expression of the inner human spirit is through prophetic dreams.

We can play a vital role in the awakening of this mode of communication, designed by our Heavenly Father, as a tool for learning. Over the course of my prophetic journey in life, I have witnessed many thousands of these spirit-dreams; the one thing that I encounter consistently is that they are delivered in a parabolic format.

It is our Mother-Holy Spirit, the School Teacher that conveys those messages to us. Through this communication, we learn the elemental prose of God, the very language of his voice is brought to our attention, and dialogue is established.
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Peace Is Synonymous With God

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Peace Is Synonymous With God

Peace Is Synonymous With God

Finding a proper definition for spiritual enlightenment is quite hard.

Expressing in words the magnitude of this inner realization that we have come to define as enlightenment almost always fails to fully explain the conviction and experience of having that profoundly connected feeling.

The idea of enlightenment is often misunderstood as a goal or a state of mind that you have to reach in order to be truly spiritual. The idea of enlightenment is multidimensional and offers us some great insights into life and our own spiritual path.
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