Tag Archive: Spirituality

The City Of Ephraim

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The City Of Ephraim

The City Of The Tree Of Life…

Two thousand years ago, an enigmatic individual walked our earth, his name was Yeshua Meshiach, or as in our modern day language, Joshua Ben Joseph, the “Messiah”…

One of his most famous accomplishments was the creation and establishments of his beautiful “City of Light”, a village commune that was assembled in the East Jordan Wilderness…

Yeshua was most definitely a Prophet! But more than that, he was the Prophets Prophet! Which means that much emphasis to his personal spiritual work was dedicated to creating new Spiritual Workers; to guide and instruct; to teach and develop; to bare witness to their revelations, visions, and prophetic acts…
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The Transcendental Experience Of Spirituality

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The Transcendental Experience Of Spirituality

The Transcendental Experience Of Spirituality

In the original Apostolic Christian Faith of the Essene Nation, “Spirituality” was the primary focal point of all their religious worship service. Men and Women gathered together in prayer and song with one intent; the awakening of the Holy Spirit within the church body.

The church-gathering was a place where each individual was given the opportunity of entering into the experience of transcendental spirituality.

With strong energetic singing, and rhythmic dance, feet pounding upon the wooden floor, the vibrational frequencies flowing in a unified cosmic field of spiritual energy, literally creating a column of fire; flames which went up and down in a vortex too amazing even to describe. Men and woman entered into a state of ecstatic trance, which stimulated the opening of the human-third-eye; the very doorway into the spiritual realms of the universe.
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Defining Spirituality

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How you define, spirituality for yourself has a big impact on your experience, and also your relationship to this intangible dimension of life that we all long to know more intimately.

On a very fundamental level we can define spirituality as everything that deals with matters of our spirit and our soul, and the process of bringing unification and connection through the various cosmic layers of our being, into union with our Heavenly Creator.

Each and every one of us, has an aspect of ourselves that is invisible and intangible, but still very real. In fact this invisible part of ourselves is the very essence of our lives, and spirituality is about being connected with this spiritual part while being in the physical world.

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