The City Of Ephraim

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The City Of Ephraim

The City Of The Tree Of Life…

Two thousand years ago, an enigmatic individual walked our earth, his name was Yeshua Meshiach, or as in our modern day language, Joshua Ben Joseph, the “Messiah”…

One of his most famous accomplishments was the creation and establishments of his beautiful “City of Light”, a village commune that was assembled in the East Jordan Wilderness…

Yeshua was most definitely a Prophet! But more than that, he was the Prophets Prophet! Which means that much emphasis to his personal spiritual work was dedicated to creating new Spiritual Workers; to guide and instruct; to teach and develop; to bare witness to their revelations, visions, and prophetic acts…

He was a leader dedicated to the salvation of those who would follow him! What he offered on an individual basis, was a Spiritual and Prophetic Journey of Life!

He was here to show us how to See the Living Face of God…

And of course! This meant that as a “Community”, man was capable of awakening the Manifest Acts of the Holy Spirit!

The Living, Breathing, Working, Revealing, Prophetic Acts of the Holy Spirit, are the “Face of God”…

In Essence! The Holy Spirit is “God the Father”, and “God the Mother”; both masculine and feminine genders simultaneously; he teaches us first to receive, and then provides us the ability to give…

When reading biblical narrative, we come across a story, which shows how five thousand individuals followed Christ into the wilderness to hear him speak! This group became en-hungered, and Christ mysteriously provides food for them from a couple of loaves of bread, and a couple of fishes. They kept breaking off the pieces from the originals, and the pieces just kept on coming until all souls were satisfied and filled to the brim…

This connotation erroneously is attributed to actual food that everyone was consuming with their mouths…

The True Reference is much more deeper and complex than one can realize; and it has to do with much more than a group of people who followed Christ into the wilderness to listen to one of his sermons.

Joshua actually created a Commune in the wilderness, which was an extension of all the other Essene communities scattered all across the Middle-Eastern Regions…

When he was approaching his fiftieth birthday, he began prophesying the “Destruction of Jerusalem” by acts of war instigated by the Roman Government. He revealed that the city would be leveled; the Temple would be destroyed; and millions of Israelite Jews will be killed…

It was Time to Leave!

A New Exodus has Begun…

Christ led five thousand citizens into the wilderness to begin a New Community; he placed administrators and teachers as leaders and guides within this Commune…

They named this new Colony, the “City of Ephraim”…

His newest “Twelve Apostles”, where given charge as Watchers over this group; and delegated various responsibilities to each of them as spiritual commissioners.

The “Miracle” of feeding this flock of people had nothing to do with a one-time meal at the end of the day! It simply represented the fact that Christ created the ways and means for this commune to sustain itself over the course of many years, by establishing an agricultural base for food production; and trade of the goods and products manufactured by the organization of skilled talent that assembled in this wilderness retreat…

Sustaining a five thousand group of refugees was no easy task to say the least, and can be construed as a Miracle in itself…

But the Truest Miracle being Produced was the one that everyone there could partake of on a personal and intimate level; it was the phenomenon of Living Manifest Prophetic Action working with each individual person that cared enough to join in this Commune.

This is where the “Bread was Broken”, and “Fish were Caught”

The Bread representing the ongoing, “Word of God” that was being revealed and spoken by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

And the “Fish” of course we all know represents the “Hidden Mysteries”; the “Secret Meanings”, swimming beneath the surface of the “Waters of God”…

In essence; esoteric knowledge…


There was enough for everyone!

Each person was filled to the Brim with personal guidance and instruction to the Mysteries of the Living God; each individual was being built and created as both a prophet, and prophetic worker…

The “City of Ephraim” was a “City of Light” and was the “Highlight of Accomplishment” of Joshua Ben Joseph the Messiah…

This Communal Village thrived for several decades, until the actual Roman/Jewish war was fought. At this time the Essene/Christian Community disbanded, and went on another Exodus into other more distant countries far away from the violent conflict being witnessed in Israel…

One of the most amazing aspects of this Communal Village was its Educational Facility that was centered around its exclusive Library of Stored Literature… This Complex housed numerous books, known as “codices”; metal sheets bound together with metal wire.

For some reason! This Library was sealed and hidden…

The Booklets were left behind…

Was this an accident?

Were they planning to return once the conflict was over?

Modern Day archeologists are confused and perplexed with this question!

In the year 2011, this Library was discovered; there are over 70 codices stored in this cache of books that of course are causing an immediate sensation across the globe.

What do these booklets contain?

What are their secrets?

What knowledge has been preserved for almost two thousand years?

Investigators are shocked beyond belief as to the information recorded in these little books; they have such immense power, for they can literally change the course of mankind forever…

These are carefully crafted books that took an immense amount of effort and energy to produce. First molds needed to be constructed out of clay; the writing and drawings were inscribed into this soft material, which was then baked and solidified. A Copper-Lead amalgamation was produced in a heated cauldron, and then this mixture was poured into the molds.

As the molten metal cooled, the thin sheets were removed from the mold, and the inscriptions were now preserved in printed form upon the base material.

This was probably the earliest form of a printing press; the molds can then be reused numerous times as little booklets were collated and assembled, in a binding material that would literally withstand eons of generations.

Did this Community erroneously believe that they would one day return to this village?

I do not believe so!

I believe that this Library was left purposely for future generations to find and discover!

Christ was a Prophet’s, prophet! He was the Seer’s, seer…

He knew the future! He knew and understood the corruption that would be brought into this world by instigators of “False Religion”…

He knew that his “Beloved Bride”, “The Woman Clothed in the Sun” would be hounded and persecuted by the Roman Monstrosity known as Christianity, and he equally knew that his own Church would become grossly perverted to resemble the Roman Harlot Beast…

They left this Library on purpose, hidden within the “Womb of the Earth” for thousands of years; it would be rediscovered in a time and era that would do the best service to mankind as a whole…

This latest discovery will shed light on a new level of truth!


Are you Ready For This Truth?

Can you handle it?

Or are you one of those that has taken the same stance as the Roman Catholic Pagan Christian Church?

It’s all false! It’s a fake! It’s a forgery…


It is Not a Fake!

It is not a Forgery!

It is not False…


It is the Truth! Preserved for Us! The Children and Descendants of the true “Woman Clothed In The Sun”…

By our own “Messiah of Israel” Two Thousand Years ago…

  • These Books are Ours!
  • They Belong to Us!
  • The Modern Day Molokan…

Each of these little booklets should be read, studied, and loved!

Because they have been preserved by our Heavenly Fathers just for you and me…


The Modern Christian World is Gagging on these books!

They do not want them released to the public!

They want to hide from you the relevant truth preserved within their pages, just as they have done with the majority of the “Dead Sea Scrolls”, and the vast, “Nag Hammadi Library” of books discovered in the other Essene Communities…

These Books, Scrolls, and Manuscripts Reveal a Christ Messiah, and a Christianity that is completely different than the one that exists today…

If we were to follow the teachings and the doctrines as preserved for us by the Spiritual Masters of Two Thousand Years Ago, “All” modern day Christian denominations and sects would literally crumble into the dust, including our own Molokan Faith…

This is how much Pagan Christianity has changed and altered the Truth! It is virtually unrecognizable! If the Apostles of Christ could see us now, their bones would roll over in their graves…


But This Is Another Story…


The City of Ephraim has divulged its Secrets…

Its’ Library has been retrieved…

And Now! The True Children of Light can read and study for themselves additional material preserved for us by Christ Himself, “about himself”, and the work which he accomplished upon this earth…


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Alexander Baghdanov

Alexander’s life is truly an amazing one, as he has dedicated it to the pursuit of True “Truth”, and in training future young men and women in the prophetic gifts, opening the doors for each to discover their individual “Prophetic Journey Of Life”…

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