The Age Of Light

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We have entered into an age where a large percentage of the world’s population is moving away from the established parameters of organized Religion!

Not because they are rejecting the authenticity and legitimacy of God, the Higher Beings, the Angelic Bodies, or even the Holy Spirit, but because they are not seeing their “Being” within the presentation that is being offered from the pulpits…

There is a great realization that, for the most part, the “Blind” are hopelessly trying to lead the “Blind”; on a journey that has no relevant beginning and with no true markers designating a destination worthy of accomplishment.
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Defining The Spiritual Experience

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Defining The Spiritual Experience

Spirituality is often misunderstood!

It is a concept that should be defined as working to be a true, “God-related” spiritual being; it is the development of your “inner-spiritual entity.” The highest spiritual level of achievement is one who has developed his or her true divine being to the point that their spirit is equal to the Holy Spirit of God.

Spirituality is the “God-related” discipline of developing and freeing the ‘God-made’ innermost being; the core of all of us is made in the image of God!
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Father Isaac

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As we sit and reflect on the Life and times of our most ancient and Holy Patriarchs, we come to realize that much of what they speak, say, and do, is given to us in a parabolic form!

There are messages within the messages!

Stories within the stories; interwoven in a mysterious language that overlays upon itself wisdom and knowledge that can never be fully realized until one begins to unlock the very depth and immensity of God’s Mind itself.

But how does one set upon the journey to unlock the “Secrets” to the Mind of God?
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The Heaven Bound Soul

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The Heaven Bound Soul


A New Paradigm Is Announcing Itself To The World!

The truth that we understand and know is constantly changing! And our assumption about the nature of the world is also now in the process of change…

The new paradigm requires understanding, wisdom, and acceptance, a new knowing about who we are and why we exist! As humanity merges with this shift in consciousness, it will begin to alter the way we think, create, dream, and solve problems; it will begin moving us into a pattern of right action, the building of right relationships, and in creating right opportunities for ourselves.
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Worshipping The Holy Spirit Of The Universe

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Worshipping The Holy Spirit Of The Universe

In ancient times, the Slavic People’s knew the Secrets to the Holy Laws of Creation; the very laws that govern all existence; those that bring harmony and balance to the galaxies and unto all that live and thrive within this dimension.

Yes! They knew and comprehended the intricate synchronicity between the multi-dimensional realms of life; they knew the balance of the microcosm, and the macrocosm (the inner and the outer; the above and the below).
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The City Of Ephraim

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The City Of Ephraim

The City Of The Tree Of Life…

Two thousand years ago, an enigmatic individual walked our earth, his name was Yeshua Meshiach, or as in our modern day language, Joshua Ben Joseph, the “Messiah”…

One of his most famous accomplishments was the creation and establishments of his beautiful “City of Light”, a village commune that was assembled in the East Jordan Wilderness…

Yeshua was most definitely a Prophet! But more than that, he was the Prophets Prophet! Which means that much emphasis to his personal spiritual work was dedicated to creating new Spiritual Workers; to guide and instruct; to teach and develop; to bare witness to their revelations, visions, and prophetic acts…
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The Singularity Of Conciousness

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True Spiritual Consciousness includes embracing the concept that all existence is singular!

Just as our bodies are fashioned of distinct groupings of molecular cells, although diverse in biological chemistry, they are co-joined to create one living entity that could not possibly even begin to be alive with only one of the missing components.

The cosmic force that binds the universe together, also binds all physical entities into a cohesion of existence. The evolutionary process automatically fills in the gaps as new species evolve from those who could no longer exist within a changing environment, but severing the tendrils of life creates chaos and imbalance within nature itself.
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The Gift Of Prophecy, Is The Gift Of Life.

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The Gift Of Prophecy, Is The Gift Of Life.

A Holistic Spiritual Life

A spiritual house cannot be built with just one stone!

Even though we realize that the spiritual adventure is one that begins deep within your own body and soul, for it transcends the physical reality that surrounds us on the surface, for spirituality to be successful, it requires the support of an immediate social structure.

This structure could take the form of gifted prophetic teachers, a vibrant interaction of fellowship within an official church-body, and other students that are being taught and guided upon their own prophetic journey of life. Because true spirituality is action, and interaction, with other progressive individuals who are serious in their intent of attaining the prophetic gifts of communication with higher dimensional beings!
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The Transcendental Experience Of Spirituality

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The Transcendental Experience Of Spirituality

The Transcendental Experience Of Spirituality

In the original Apostolic Christian Faith of the Essene Nation, “Spirituality” was the primary focal point of all their religious worship service. Men and Women gathered together in prayer and song with one intent; the awakening of the Holy Spirit within the church body.

The church-gathering was a place where each individual was given the opportunity of entering into the experience of transcendental spirituality.

With strong energetic singing, and rhythmic dance, feet pounding upon the wooden floor, the vibrational frequencies flowing in a unified cosmic field of spiritual energy, literally creating a column of fire; flames which went up and down in a vortex too amazing even to describe. Men and woman entered into a state of ecstatic trance, which stimulated the opening of the human-third-eye; the very doorway into the spiritual realms of the universe.
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