The Gift Of Prophecy, Is The Gift Of Life.

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The Gift Of Prophecy, Is The Gift Of Life.

A Holistic Spiritual Life

A spiritual house cannot be built with just one stone!

Even though we realize that the spiritual adventure is one that begins deep within your own body and soul, for it transcends the physical reality that surrounds us on the surface, for spirituality to be successful, it requires the support of an immediate social structure.

This structure could take the form of gifted prophetic teachers, a vibrant interaction of fellowship within an official church-body, and other students that are being taught and guided upon their own prophetic journey of life. Because true spirituality is action, and interaction, with other progressive individuals who are serious in their intent of attaining the prophetic gifts of communication with higher dimensional beings!

The truest purpose of spirituality is to begin to understand the finest concept of “True Love”!

“True Love” is the final “Goal”.

It is the standard that measures our success…

No individual on earth could ever even begin to grasp its true meaning, until they have begun building the spiritual foundation, the platform upon which they will build their inner-temple within their own physiology.

How can “God”, who is nothing less than “Pure, Absolute and Unconditional Love”, find a home within you to reside in, when instead of a golden temple, you have created a dark cave full of dark spirits flying about in the darkness of your soul?

“Light” is Knowledge!

Knowledge is the “Seed” of Understanding…

Wisdom is the Door to Love…

Wisdom tells us that we must build within us a spiritual embodiment; an awakening; an enlightenment!

“Spirituality” is the Life-Line that connects you to the God of Life…

That Power-Source, that holds the very destiny of your life in its hands.

For us to grow in Love, we must practice it!

We need to give to those who are around us, and we must be able to receive from others as they exercise their votive.

The greatest Love that we can share with others is our living prayer for them; our positive words and thoughts that pour from our hearts and minds as blessings.

Spirituality is a form of Intimacy!

It is a finer definition of Love, first for our fellow man, then for the higher dimensional beings that interact with us as angels and spirit guides, and finally, with the Living Father/Mother of All Life.

Spirituality is the classroom where an individual learns the higher arts of creation; one becomes an artist, who with delicate and structured brush stokes paints and draws the very fabric of life, first for themselves, and then for those who are nearest and dearest to them.

For this is True Love!

Would you not endeavor to create beauty and loveliness for your own life?

How much more so for those people that you yourself love and respect? Or for those who are under your care and protection such as family and children?

True Spirituality is a Gateway of communication with the Spirit-World of the Living God; the One who knows All, and Sees All!

Nothing is hidden from Mind of God!

There are no Secrets that He does not know…

What greater gift can he give us but the knowledge of events that are yet to transpire?

With this knowledge, we have the ability to bypass injury!

We can avoid every accident, or incident that can have negative repercussions upon our lives.

There is no Greater Blessing, than the Gift of Life, and the “Preservation” of that Life…

With Prophetic Spirituality we are found under the umbrella of protection of both God and the Holy Spirit, and with spirituality, we have the sight, and even foresight to see far into the future to what destiny has in store for us, and we will have ample time to become “Right” with God, so as to alter any adverse event that might transpire before it is to late.

Many Religious Cultures teach that love is the act of caring for those people whose world has fallen apart, for injury, illness, accident, and every form of calamity can happen to anyone at a moments notice!

But Spirituality Teaches Us, That None Of These Adverse Events Ever Need Take Place In The First Place! For the Gift Of Prophecy, Is The Gift Of Life.

And There Is No Greater Love That Any Individual Can Give Another, Than To Deliver The Very Voice Of God On Their Behalf…

When we help each other grow, develop, and expand spirituality, and nurture the spiritual and prophetic gifts of the Holy Spirit, we become co-creators in the magical realm of God, bringing the truest forms of Salvation to the humanities of our world…



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Alexander Baghdanov

Alexander’s life is truly an amazing one, as he has dedicated it to the pursuit of True “Truth”, and in training future young men and women in the prophetic gifts, opening the doors for each to discover their individual “Prophetic Journey Of Life”…

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