We all know and understand the fact that we live in a three dimensional reality, which is measured by length, depth, and height!
Within this virtual presence we exist; it is home to our physical bodies, which are constructed of organic elements and particles gathered and formulated by vibratory frequencies of our universe.
Our universe itself is a manifestation of thought and mental intent; we call this power, “God”! This entity places into motion three primary components: light, sound, and vibration! Through a process known as quantum physics, or “Spirituality”, millions of individual, invisible strands of energy, which are like threads, begin being inter-woven into what becomes known as the fabric of life.
This action is now known as “Quantum Entanglement”, the giant loom known as the universe that binds the entire visible exosphere of existence with itself…
Each and every human being, although diverse through a multitude of variables, is interconnected in so many ways…
We are equally co-joined to every molecule on the sub-atomic level that formulates every visible and invisible particle of subsistence within this reality. By the action of “Thought”, we are automatically bound to the Mind and Will of “Source”, and contribute to the manifestation of this reality as Co-Creators with the Power known as “God”, or better put, the “Holy Spirit”…
In every sense of the word, we are “God Manifest”, the visible image of “God” itself, but in the lower frequencies of this three dimensional reality. In the higher frequencies, God becomes pure energy, which can or cannot be visible depending on the vibrational status of the observer; something determined by one’s level of consciousness.
In fact! It is the very act of observation that sub-atomic particles begin to move and assemble in some cognizant direction, a virtue we understand as “Intent” or “Will”.
“God’s Will” is a famous phrase or statement, heard quite often from the mouth of humanity; apparently we recognize the circumstance that a Higher Power is directing the Creation Process.
“Will” is a mental action representing determination, motivation, and resolve, an action of force driven in the direction of accomplishment! Each of us is imbued and compelled by the motion of “Will”; our very survival depends on the force of preservation, a derivative of the act of Intent…
The act of self-preservation, and survival compels us to be aware of our environment; our surroundings determine the effort that must be exerted to ensure all matters are taken into consideration. The act of self-preservation is very linear; it is a two-dimensional function!
We need to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible!
I am hungry! I need to locate a food source for my sustenance…
I am cold! I need shelter and warmth…
I am in danger! I need cover and protection…
It is a domain of fight or flight…
The mind must have just enough ability to think and reason through the basic actions needed to stay alive.
Self-preservation is the animalistic force needed to stay alive! It is naturally ego driven, allowing us to begin drawing circles that represent the earliest form of three-dimensional reasoning…
This is the primary foundation of pre-civilization, the bonding of groups of individuals that have the ability to share energy in the form of group service, making the act of survival less formidable, dangerous, and difficult.
I’ll watch your back, if you watch mine…
I’ll do the hunting and gathering, if you do the cooking and cleaning…
I’ll make the decisions; you simply need to obey…
The group mind allows us to begin to build communities of people that can concentrate in specialty fields of expertise; each forming the basis of community service; a method of self-preservation.
This multifarious society forces us to think outside the box!
The issues become much more complex and multifaceted…
The ability to function as a group or society requires that we sharpen and hone the ability to think and reason; our circles must arise to allow for higher composites of human action and interaction.
In the primitive society, the responsibilities of self-preservation were as enigmatic as providing a daily meal for one’s family, and finding protection from predators and other natural elements such as the weather.
The tribesman learned that by working together as a communal group, the community was in essence able to share the load of both defense and preservation. An overwhelming task became both feasible and manageable…
As humanity made grand advancement in their societies, the vibrational frequencies of love also ascended, allowing access into new dimensions of living.
The act of Love, represents self-sacrifice; dedication to the cause; and caring for those around you…
One’s mental and spiritual aptitude will ultimately determine the final outcome of love, for it’s very meaning is defined by one’s ability to rationalize it’s merit, value, weight, and credibility.
Love is liquid, and as varied as the heart and mind projecting it!
Love for our spouse and the children that we create…
Love for our family, community, and even the nation in which we reside…
Love for our race; our ethnicity, language, and culture…
These are honorable forms of emotional bonding, and represent the upward evolutionary of our state of being; the lifting of our existence to a much higher, more delicate tone of vibration.
As we progress forwards, we come to the realization that mankind exists on a multitude array of levels; there are those whose minds and characters are course and heavy; there are those that are light and airy; you would think that they lived in the clouds…
Heavy heart’s and heavy minds approach all aspects of life using brute force; they shove and they push! They make things work for them by the use of forceful coercion, oppression, and intimidation. If that does not work, they have no reservation to the use of violence, robbery, and even murder…
As we are lifted into the clouds, many elements begin to change within our physiology; our DNA structure begins to alter its vibrational frequency, activating numerous dormant strands into vibrant activity.
These in turn begin to open our minds capacity to think and reason through a new set of eyes; our heart, the center of our emotional being begins to change, and emit an energy beam that is both far reaching and very beneficial to the surrounding environment.
With unspoken words, we have the potential to move mountains and obstacles, just by the love-energy that we project from our inner-soul…
A “Brute” equally justifies his actions through the element of love! He wants to care for those who are dear and near to him…
Through his observation, he recognizes that his neighbor has so much more than him, while his family and friends are living in lack and in the degradation of want…
“So what if I help myself to the things I need”?
But there is no honor to the cause of love if its impetus is driven by actions of hate, animosity, violence, greed, and every form of malevolent exploits, emotions, or deeds against others…
Love is the recognition, that you are not the center of the universe…
It is the realization that you are a molecule in the body of life…
You are connected to other humanity, to nature, to living creatures, to air and water, to the soil under our feet, to the entire cosmos…
You are a “Cosmopolitan”; a citizen of the entire universe…
You belong to everybody! And everyone belongs to you…
Everything that moves and thrives within you biologically; mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, is interconnected with every living being and creature within this three dimensional existence.
It is impossible to do harm to anything outside your body, without doing harm to yourself!
Equally! Everything that you do for yourself affects everyone and all things outside your immediate sphere…
This three dimensional realism subsists of multifarious realities and dimensions; there are lower and higher frequencies which encompass the various elements of the place we call heaven.
This heaven is comprised of many lower beings, which we call ghosts and demons due to the course nature of their interface and interaction with humanity. The upper levels of the God-Realm contain the ascended beings, which we call angels, cherubs, and masters; those who have successfully embraced the higher consciousness and have bridged the gap into loftier dimensions of existence.
A better way to explain this bridge is to describe it as a portal; a doorway, which can only be opened through the stimulation of vibrational energy; the higher dimensional frequency of spiritual cognizance, and clarity of vision brought forth by conscious awareness.
There are many disciplines throughout humanities religious cultures that approach this portal; the primary focus is placed upon internal meditation, which encompasses a journey into the discovery of self, and builds the latent connection with one’s own soul.
This experience is enhanced through the incorporation of sound frequencies created either by musical instruments, chimes, bells, singing bowls, quarts crystals, vocalized singing, and the speaking of prayers and mantras…
In unique cultures such as the Russian Molokani, they create within their prayer ceremonies what is known as the “Kroogh”; or the Circle of Life…
The entire congregation stands in multi-rowed lines encompassing the center of their gallery. They dance and sway in rhythmic unison, as they sing song after song for many hours on end, all the while creating an unparalleled vortex of spiritual energy.
The pounding of their feet upon the wooden floor sounds like the beat of rhythmic drums; while the unified harmonic vocalization of their singing creates a balance of tone that is unequalled in the purity of pleasant sound.
Those who have seen this vortex describe it as a “Pillar of Fire” that lifts high into the unseen heavens; there is no ceiling or limitation to its power or influence into the cosmos…
The opening of this portal allows us earth people access into the higher dimensional realities known as “Heaven” that place where “God” resides. Those who have seen this being know for a certain that this is not a physical entity such as a man like we are; this God is nothing less than pure creative energy…
His “Throne” is nothing less than the Power of what we call the Holy Spirit; the source of creation…
The “Kroogh” is an inter-dimensional portal comprised of the people who stand within its perimeter. The energy vortex is stimulated into motion by the thought, will, and intent of the communal party, opening doorways into other dimensions, realms, and realities, which we call heaven.
That mankind can achieve this potential, as a societal group is extremely commendable; that he can interact with the celestial beings that traverse this doorway is enigmatic to say the least…
That mankind can stand in the presence of the Living, Manifest God himself is the greatest accomplishment of human development possible!
In this reality! There are no limitations or restrictions to his creative resonance!
He Is Master Of His Destiny…