Tag Archive: God

The Secret Power Of Anointing

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Oil of Anointing

The Secret Power Of Anointing

The Anointing is the very back-bone of True Faith!

Anointing is the essence, the foundation, the very pillar, upon which each individual receives his divine empowerment. A Blessing is a Song sung in the Heavenly Realms of God on your behalf!

The Anointing is the Power Sent Down to Earth on your Account; the two go hand in hand.

Who Receives This Favor?
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Peace Is Synonymous With God

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Peace Is Synonymous With God

Peace Is Synonymous With God

Finding a proper definition for spiritual enlightenment is quite hard.

Expressing in words the magnitude of this inner realization that we have come to define as enlightenment almost always fails to fully explain the conviction and experience of having that profoundly connected feeling.

The idea of enlightenment is often misunderstood as a goal or a state of mind that you have to reach in order to be truly spiritual. The idea of enlightenment is multidimensional and offers us some great insights into life and our own spiritual path.
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Assessing Your Inheritance

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Our First Birth Is Of The Flesh

We are born to physical parents, who assume the responsibility as legal guardians, for the very life and existence of our material entities. But our physical body is only one minor aspect to our existence, within each of us a divine spark, which could actually be described as Gods Force Field and Energy Grid.

This is our Astral Body, which existed prior to our physical birth here in this three dimensional realm. This celestial entity comes from a higher dimension of existence, and resides within a higher frequency, which our carnal physical eye cannot see.
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palace of babel

The Gods Of The Bible

One of the greatest quandaries of all time is the misunderstanding that the masses of Christian believers have concerning the Gods, which are mentioned quite often in the Bible.

It is so obvious! That we are dealing with multiple entities; and those individuals who are as physical as you and I. Yes! These are not Deities as we imagine; they are mortal beings that have simply arrived to our planet from distant star systems…

They are known as the “Elohim”, this term represents a multitude of individuals, and the expression simply translates into the word, “Alien” as in “Extraterrestrial”.
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