The Secret Power Of Anointing

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Oil of Anointing

The Secret Power Of Anointing

The Anointing is the very back-bone of True Faith!

Anointing is the essence, the foundation, the very pillar, upon which each individual receives his divine empowerment. A Blessing is a Song sung in the Heavenly Realms of God on your behalf!

The Anointing is the Power Sent Down to Earth on your Account; the two go hand in hand.

Who Receives This Favor?

Who The Anointing?

And What Is Its Purpose?

Living in the Anointing is as much a requirement in these last days as understanding the very Journey of Salvation. It is what gives the True Believer advantage over the world. The Anointing is thrown around a lot in the church, and most people really do not understand its implications.

Do you believe that you have been redeemed? Then you are at 1 of 3 levels of Anointing.

The purpose of the Anointing is to give you the ability to share your Blessing with other individuals on a Communal level.

Being Anointed does not necessarily mean that you are super religious, super righteous, or super blessed; it simply means that God himself believes in you, and in your Prophetic Gift, and is willing to invest a portion of his responsibility over the Flock of God, with you.

The Anointing means responsibility!

And it Means Accountability!

It is necessary to learn what your specific Anointing involves before you receive it because you will pay a price for it. There is no ‘Me’ thing when it comes to Anointing; you become a servant, a representative, and an ambassador for Christ, with a list of obligations a mile long, for which you will answer for.

The higher the level of Anointing, the bigger responsibility you will have to the Lord and to others.

The greater your calling, the bigger the problem God puts before you to solve for others. To receive an Anointing means that your spiritual gifts will be activated with the ability to problem-solve; by being attuned to the very Mind and Will of God himself.

As an added bonus, the very Spirit of God will be harnessed to bear witness for you before your fellow congregation! To show that the choices and decisions that you make are not yours but are being delivered through you, from God himself.

You Become A Miracle Worker!!!

Isaiah 10:27, says, “that in that day, their burden will be lifted from your shoulders, their yoke from your neck, the yoke will be broken because you have grown so fat” (in the spirit).

What Isaiah is saying here is that you will be endued with the power to destroy burdens, the yokes, and the bondage of others.

This is the very work of Christ; by the power of your Anointing, you will accomplish these tasks in his name.

The Anointing gives you the ability to do the work of God, to bring change, and to accomplish your assignments all under His Guidance and Supervision. It is a divine enabling; it’s when God puts his super on your natural. It’s about being able to do something you could not do in your own power, and you demonstrate that unnatural power.

We hear big talk in the church about Anointing but very little demonstration of that supernatural ability. We have more power and discernment today than people did two thousand years ago, as we read in the book of Acts, yet we see less demonstration of it today.

People should be able to see results from the Anointing in your work for God, especially when you have been given dominion over people’s lives and souls.

All too often, we see the positions of authority being snatched up by people who have absolutely no visible, viable proof of any anointing whatsoever. They accept these vital responsibilities as if pennants of accomplishment in order to gain approval from their friends and fellow collaborators.

Everybody wants to be the winner of the race, to receive favor and recognition.

The problem is, that the Position of Church Leadership and Eldership comes with strings attached, the word to describe this is Accountability.

Are you a Blind Man leading other Blind men over the precipice?

Then your own salvation is greatly in jeopardy!

But this will even be immensely compounded, for through you, may come the loss of salvation of many others.

If we could ever comprehend the bigness of our God and understand the importance of divine empowerment, we would approach all responsibility with fear and trembling, with caution and care.

The Anointing comes from the Holy Spirit that is poured into our vessels with an overflow of power through us to touch somebody else. It fulfills your life and makes your destiny come to fruition.

If your accomplishments are low and well below your church position’s set standards, then your level of Anointing is extremely low.

Our responsibility as prophetic workers is to discover God’s Will for each member of your congregation and to enact accordingly!

This includes the discovery of potential Blessing and Anointing’s for them. Once those secrets are known, you work faithfully and diligently to ensure that the proper training, teaching, and developmental strategies are applied so that the full potential of that individual can become manifest as a Living Power.

If you yourself have no concept of the workings and the Power of God, how can you ever think to train others?

What direction are you leading them on?

There’s a difference between water baptism and the Anointing! The Holy Spirit Baptism is like being initiated into another identification!

There is a death of your carnal man!

And a resurrection into your new spiritual entity where you operate in a spiritual realm…

These are the minimum requirements of Church Eldership and Leadership! Without this life-transforming creation being established within your personal spirit/soul connection, you are just another person off the street looking for fame and glory.

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Alexander Baghdanov

Alexander’s life is truly an amazing one, as he has dedicated it to the pursuit of True “Truth”, and in training future young men and women in the prophetic gifts, opening the doors for each to discover their individual “Prophetic Journey Of Life”…

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