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Let me reveal to you one of the greatest secrets of life!

It has to do with the mysterious and hidden technology of your everyday computer…

Do you even know how this technology works?

Do you comprehend the systems that are harnessed in order for data processing to work?

How does it store and find your files?

Where does memory go when not in use?

How is it that people are able to write programs?

They utilize a unique language, which consists of a series of symbols, including source-codes, machine-codes, algorithms, meta-tags, hash-tags and plug-ins; with this they produce application and system software that instructs the computer how to work.

The process is simply magical!

Tiny microscopic pulses of electrical energy are guided in multiple directions simultaneously; each with its own specific vibrational registry; a finger print if you will, that is placed in some processing unit that will forever be sitting in some place, vibrating, and pulsing, until it is called forth to appear on your screen. And then sent away and placed on a shelf until it is needed again.

The process is mind-boggling to say the least!

The mind that was able to create this devise that most of us use on a daily basis, could only be described as genius!


What these scientists did was to learn how the human brain worked and functioned; they unlocked the keys to our minds ability to think, reason, formulate ideas, communicate, process, and store knowledge.

The “Gray Matter” of our brain is highly crystalline in nature! It is a natural conductor of electrical energy…

Our brain is a giant computer that creates first of all its own energy source; it is the dynamo that generates electricity, which then sends burst of patterned geometric pulses that radiate vibrational frequency throughout the entire infrastructure of our head…

How do we think?

How do we remember things?

How do we process knowledge and information?

Where does Logic come from?

How is it possible for our minds to function in the first place?


Our brains are a computer-processing unit!

And mankind has learned to replicate it…


This of course sets the stage for greater things that are virtually unimaginable…

Scientists and medical professionals who have taken great strides in studying the human mind, and the brain that powers it have uncovered a dynamic secret!

Our entire Universe, which of course includes billions of galaxies scattered across vast distances, dance upon an energy-grid system that is an exact duplicate copy of the human-brain…

There are billions of strands of energy that criss-cross the vast sky, that form geometric patterns and ley-lines that interconnect at billions of junctions. These pulsate and vibrate at a myriad of frequencies! Light, and sound, and energy are flying across this universe at immense speed; there are places where the energy is stationary, as if placed upon a shelf in gigantic computer library, waiting for it to be called forth by the author of that knowledge…

Yes! The Universe is an exact copy of the Human Brain!

This could only mean one thing!

That we are Living in the Brain of the Universal Father of All Creation and Life…

We are surrounded by his Memory and Knowledge…

We are swimming in his Logic and Reason…

We are floating through the vast space of his Mental Capacity…

We are “All” automatically a part of His Dream and Reality…

The Universe is God!

And we are an integral part of the Universe!

Which means that we also are God…


When we are born, our parents bring us to church to immerse us in a spiritual ceremony, where they ask that our names be written in the “Book of Life”.

Here magical events transpire!

In essence! We enter into the “Computer Age” of “Spirituality”…

Yes! I stated this correctly!

Let me explain…

When we live our day to day lives, we speak, we think, we converse, etc…

Our brains are constantly active, and they produce multiple levels of pulse energy, and vibrational frequency…

These are emitted from our bodies, and they bounce off of the walls and structures that surround us. They permeate our lives and our actions, and they equally affect the lives of those who enter into our immediate space, like family members, friends, and associates…

I do not want to down play the role of the events and activities of our daily lives, they are extremely important.

But something truly magical takes place when we are in the church environ, making beautiful harmonic music, and we are dancing with full force in the rhythmic beat of unison!

Star-gates open into the very Throne of the Living God of Heaven and Earth…

There is an individual energy grid system that makes up your personal physiology.

There is also a communal energy grid system, which is much, much, more powerful and enigmatic as far as importance is concerned, and carries with it a force of impact that can not be described with mere words; it must be felt to be understood.

Our planet has an energy grid system

Our solar-system has an energy grid system

Our galaxy has an energy grid system

Our universe has an energy grid system


Each of these systems is dynamic in their own right!

Each has a measure of force and potential…

The larger the body! The larger the Computer!

Which means the larger the Brain Power of the Collective Mind…


I pose a question!

If an individual is sitting at home on his couch; he looks up at the ceiling and he states, “I would like to have my child’s name written in the Book of Life”.


Is the child’s name now written in the “Book of Life”?

Or is so much more required than a mere passing statement, and a desire?

I believe! That I could sit in a chair in front of my computer all day long! I could think amazing thoughts, and I could voice those thoughts into the air.

But until I actually turn on the computer; open up the “Word” file, and begin typing those words down in a specific article; and then save that article in my computers memory bank, that those words just simply dissipate into thin air and are forgotten as soon as they are forgotten by me…

No one heard them!

No one could remember them!

No one could contribute to those “Words”, and no one could gain from them…


This is the reason why we gather as a body in what is known as the “Church Assembly”!

And this is why we come forth upon the “Kroogh” before the congregation!

The “Words” must be spoken into the “Computer”, which then transposes those words into vibrational frequency to be sent into the Galactic Computer’s Memory Bank…

When we stand in a circle around an individual, or a family of individuals who are kneeling upon the “Kroogh”, we are writing the algorithm that will create the program software of that person’s life, for a computer system that is out of our world.

We press the save button!

And now the program will begin processing the information that will literally set the stage for that individual’s life forever…

We are literally writing the formula for their Destiny…


Just imagine for a moment a young family standing before the assembly on their knees in humbleness and honor before the very God of Life, the co-creator of the little child being held in its mother’s arms.

They look up into the eyes of the Elders, and ask this dynamic question, “Please write our child’s name in the Book of Life”.

The minister recites specific prayers while the couple bow down with their faces to the floor. At the completion of the prayers, all rise except the young couple. The ministers asks that the singers begin their “Songs of Blessing”…

The entire time the masses are looking upon this young couple…

They are observing them; they are thinking thoughts about them. They are equally looking upon the child, and formulating thoughts and opinions about it…

Here we stand upon the podium of observation!

What thoughts are we generating?

Are we Crystalline Entities Emitting Brilliant Light?

Or are we a dark cave housing flying bats?

Much is dependent upon us as a collective body; are we immersing this young family with pure positive, loving energy?

Or are we surrounding them with negative vibes, caused by our inappropriate mind-set?


The thoughts that we produce as a unit are what will be written in the story of those young peoples lives!

We are Word Processors writing articles…

We are writing their story for them…

But it is the Spiritual Worker that writes the Algorithm, which creates the software that becomes their life!

Once the Blessing is passed, the “Enter, and Save” button is pressed; this story; this life; this blessing; their destiny is written in the, “Book of Life”; in the very “Mind of God”; in the “Cosmos”…


It is all about Vibration and Frequency!

It is about Light, and Sound!

It is Pulse Energy that will forever and ever, be stored in the Library Bank of Archival Records…

The Book of Life…


Why is this important?

And believe me these actions are more valuable and vital than you can imagine.

Just as I mentioned earlier!

An individual sitting at leisure in their home voicing their ideas, thoughts, and desires! They are spoken, which makes them living messages. But they bounce off the walls in your immediate proximity, and then they simply fade away as you forget them in your near future.

On the other hand! The thoughts, actions, words, and deeds that are immersed in Spiritual Vibration, are events that can never be forgotten; not in this lifetime, nor in the consecutive lifetimes.

They are forever housed in the “Book of your Life”. Because now there is a file with your name on it, that will continuously save for you every vibrational pulse of energy created on your behalf; by your church congregation, and the Prophetic workers that interact with you throughout your lifetime.

Once you are no longer living in this physical reality, your personal memory bank is cleared; you no longer remember anything!

But the Spiritual Mind, which knows and understands how to access the Mind Bank of God, will find the story of their lives. They will read that story and they will remember…

If all that Memory Bank contains are but a few focal events of your life! You will not be able to guide your life into your next life with any clarity; you will have no control of your destiny.

On the other hand! If your book is full of stories, and events that took place throughout your entire life; so much so that a beautiful novel is written on your behalf. Then you will be guided with wisdom, knowledge, and clarity of purpose, as your spirit and soul journey onwards in your evolutionary travels far into the deep future…


Asking God to write your name in the “Book of Life” simply means that a file has been opened in your behalf!

It is up to you to fill it with as many stories as possible, in regards to the Manifest Spiritual activities that have surrounded your life from childhood until death…





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Alexander Baghdanov

Alexander’s life is truly an amazing one, as he has dedicated it to the pursuit of True “Truth”, and in training future young men and women in the prophetic gifts, opening the doors for each to discover their individual “Prophetic Journey Of Life”…

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