The Gifts Of The Spirit
The fruits of the Spirit within us are created as a by-product of spiritual guidance, inspiration, and manifestation.
It requires an active part of the Holy Spirit, through unique acts and actions, working on our behalf to truly create that distinctive level of perfection, which materializes as a result of being molded by the Living Hands of God.
There are fruits of the Holy Spirit; each of these could only become truly developed because of the direct supervision brought forth from its manipulative direction.
Yes! Each of us could have our own concept of what these fruits truly are, and will expound our version based upon our Understanding. But we must remember, we are but human; our standard of measure cannot even begin to compare to that of our Heavenly Father.
The Fruits of the Spirit:
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Longsuffering-Patience
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faithfulness
- Gentleness
- Self-Control
We may have certain elements of each of these fruits, nurtured by an attentive concern for our individual purity, chastity, and holiness, and this is very good.
But the reality is the fact that we measure these accomplishments with our own limited carnal minds. The Mind of God supersedes all our parameters of Understanding. Thusly, we need the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to be actively involved with the creation and development of our human characteristics.
The Gift of Prophecy, for example, could reveal the very status of our soul, as it is seen and observed by God. It would take very little imagination to recognize the value of understanding how God actually perceives us, as compared to how we ourselves see us.
God’s ultimate aim for all of us is our sanctification in Him, and part of that sanctification process has to do with the Holy Spirit Himself transmitting those nine specific divine qualities and attributes into our personalities.
These elements of human disposition and behavior have to do with God imparting part of His divine nature into the core of our personalities to help make us into a much better and holy people.
Each one of these contributions is a major power gift, and they are supernatural, miraculous manifestations direct from the Holy Spirit Himself.
Any true spiritual Christian can adequately take the steps needed to attain these nine gifts; we need to begin seeking after them. The first step is to conquer any fear or inhibition, which we may harbor within ourselves.
For almost two millennia, the official traditional church dogma of world Christianity included the belief that the Holy Spirit’s spiritual activity has ceased to exist with the death of our Lord Messiah. As if all prophesy of the Old Testament era only dealt with the prediction of the Lord’s Advent upon the earth.
But in reality, the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one of us for the profit of all, as a guide, teacher, protector, comforter, and savior.
- Through the Spirit, we are Taught Wisdom…
- By it’s Communication with us, Knowledge…
- Through Understanding, comes Faith…
- With Faith, Miracles are Performed…
- Through Prophecy, the Future is Revealed…
- Through Discernment, we see the Author of Spiritual Activity…
- With the Gift of Tongues, we speak with Angels…
- With the Ability of Interpretation, We receive Answer To our Questions, Petitions, and Requests…
Not only do the Scriptures tell us that these nine gifts are available to all believers, but it also takes it one step further and tells us that we can actually awaken them within us through prophetic intervention.
In essence, the church body must already be endowed with these prophetic gifts; within the Molokan Nation, this is a reality with which we are very familiar. By the laying on the Prophet’s hands who is actively in Spirit, witnessing is brought forth through manifest revelation, which stimulates the gifts into action within the recipient.
Second Timothy: Chapter 1
- “Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.”
First Corinthians: Chapter 14
- “Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, and seek earnestly that you may prophecy.”
- “But he that prophesies, speaks unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.”
First Thessalonians: Chapter 5
- “Do not quench the Spirit, do not despise prophecies.”
First Timothy: Chapter 4
- “Do not neglect the gift that is in you …
Meditate on these things, give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all.”
Let God know that you will be a willing vessel for the manifestations of these gifts and that you are entirely open and available for those gifts to manifest through you.
The Gifts of the Spirit are a tremendous aid and help to not only you in your personal walk with the Lord, but many of them can also be used to help other people out as special needs and circumstances arise in their lives.