THE HOLY SPIRIT. What Is the Holy Spirit?

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What Is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit; the very Gift of God!

The very Power Source that Drives the Universe!

It is the Engine of Creation!

She Holds within Her the Very Mind and Will of God!

She Governs the very Laws of Creation, and is responsible for the evolution of all that is created within this three dimensional matrix…

She is the “Keeper of the Gates”; and allows access to and from the different dimensional levels of existence; and the diverse levels of what could only be described as the Realms of Heaven…

She is our Teacher and Guide!

She is the one that places our soul into our body at the time of birth…

She chooses which soul will inhabit, which body; and is answerable to our growth, development, and proliferation…

She is the Gift of God! But it is our responsibility to open that gift, and to press the “On” button, which sets everything into motion that allows us access unto the magical realm of Gods Existence, and unto his Realm of Providence.

If we could delineate the Power of the Holy Spirit on a scale of ”Zero” to “One Hundred”, the vast majority of humanity; the billions and billions, would be found somewhere within the first ten percentile. Our DNA Code represents the mere fact that we are alive; that we exist; it is found within the admission that we breathe, we think, our bodies can function, move, and operate…

The next ten percent level, is that place where we begin to establish contact with the power of the Holy Spirit; this is the juvenile level of communication! We see visions, and dreams with our inner-eye; we hear voices within our inner-ear; we begin to flap our spiritual wings like baby chicks about ready to leave our mothers nest…

We begin to take our first steps into the prophetic matrix!

We skip and dance like vibrant lambs on a warm sunny day…

We become animated as we begin to perform the rudimentary aspects of what is known as “Deystva”, Manifest Prophetic Action…

As we reach the higher brackets of the twenty percent level of our growth and development into the Power of the Holy Spirit, a magical event begins to unlock within our bodies. The “God” “DNA” begins to kick into motion; the switch is turned “On”, and a brand New World is revealed to us…

All people; every human being that has ever lived, is found under the blanket cover of the Holy Spirit. We are all touched and moved by its very existence. Billions and billions hold the Gift within their hands; and spend their entire lifetime simply playing with the package that She comes in…

They hold the box: it is wrapped in colorful paper, a beautiful ribbon holds it together, and it is topped by a brightly hued bow! We are pleased to be given the honor to hold this package in our hands; but we never take the necessary steps to open the box, and work with our minds to unravel the gift to see what it truly contains for our very lives…

Once we enter into the categories above the twenty percent level, the Spiritual DNA becomes alive; the God DNA is activated into motion…

Here! The greatest potential and possibility becomes achievable within our own personal existence within this Medium… We begin taking on the traits of our Heavenly Father, the very Source of All Creation.

We become Creators ourselves…

It is extremely important to understand the fact that we are all creators no matter what! From the very moment that we are born we begin building and creating our lives here on earth. Whether we like it or not, we are creating the very points that will define our existence; those that will govern our destiny, here on earth, as well as into the next life in the “Here-After”.

It’s just that, without the Power of the Holy Spirit to help guide us; we greatly lack the ‘Wisdom of God” that makes that transition smooth sailing, and easy, without the usual glitches, bumps, heartaches, and pain that comes with shooting in the dark…

We are given the right to “Draft” our journey through life; we govern our destinies! And they will unfold exactly how we drew the plans…

In our physical reality, there are numerous occupations that require upper level instruction by skilled masters! Long before an individual becomes qualified to hold a position of employment, it is required that they earn their degree in that specialized field.

To become a Master Architect, one needs to be trained as an Engineer, and a Mechanical Draftsperson; they need to understand Design Concepts, and a multitude of other Disciplines that are specifically merged to this Trade. To build a building, a bridge, or a mega-structure, that is substantial in both size and weight, requires an in depth understanding of certain mathematical ratios and formulas that insure that the edifice will withstand the weather, and other natural pressures of both time and space…

People’s lives are at stake; an improper construction modality can jeopardize the buildings safety and value!

Proper training and education are minimum requirements to work within this paradigm!

And Yet!

When the masses of people begin charting the course of their lives, and of their destinies, they take pen to their hand and begin drawing a picture that defies any logic whatsoever. They haphazardly begin sketching a plan of action that comes from no place and leads to nowhere…

Without any thought whatsoever, they throw into their own matrix the probabilities of accidents and injuries; they cause misfortunes and mishaps; quite possibly, catastrophes, and disasters; travesties, and calamities; with a sprinkling of illnesses, and sicknesses…

Apparently! They want to experience for themselves everything that life has to offer, and see everything that existence can throw at them; they want to feel every nuance of both pleasure and pain as they traverse this occurrence known as life…

But the truth is! They simply had no clue what their blue-print of destiny actually held for them. Once it is drawn into the matrix, the universe will do whatever is required to make sure your dreams are fulfilled according to your plans.

This is why Spirituality should be a required field of study! The Disciplines of “Quantum Physics”, and “Quantum Mechanics” literally control every aspect of your physical life, and are intricately bound to your spiritual existence here on earth, and within your other dimensions of life.

The “Law of Divine Oneness” reveals that everything in our physical paradigm is bound together by millions of threads; these can be strewn abound in a haphazard jumble of confusion, or they can be woven intricately, and delicately into a beautiful tapestry that exposes a life rich in abundance and prosperity; in beauty and splendor; a lavish life full of all the blessings of our creator…

To create this handsome Fabric of Life requires skill and experience, which can only be attained under the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit, which of course has every concern over our well-being and fortune, and offers protection unto those willing to listen to her supervision and advice.

The Holy Spirit is both our Teacher and our Advocate!

It is the Force that we need to reckon with in our lives…

The Architects of False Religion have literally placed colossal stumbling blocks before the masses of mankind by misleading them into the quandary of False Hope…

They have taught humanity that they are worthless and helpless in the matters of charting the course for their personal lives; completely incapable of building a personal bond with the Living Manifest Power of the Holy Spirit.

There is no personal channel of communication; there is no message for them coming from the universe, or even from the Realm of God! All they have is the “Church”, and the holy priests specifically ordained in order to be their advocates in the matters of daily life, and in the formulation in the bond to the Heavenly Father.

They will hold our hands and our souls for us a we journey onto the path known as salvation; they will lead us to the (supposed) Messiah, who then is the Advocate for us unto the Heavenly Creator, a spiritualized version of himself that is incapable of communion with us fleshly beings.

This Messiah will do all the hard stuff for you so that you do not need to do it yourself…

He will pay for your mistakes and errors, your crimes and sins…

It is now not necessary for you to receive instruction on a personal level; somebody else is building your destiny for you…

You do not need to answer for your ignorance and lack of knowledge; someone else is there to take the fall for you…

You do not need to build the Temple of Prayer and Sacrifice within your body, somebody else will carry the message of prayer on your behalf, and will even die for you, so that you do not need too…

But the Drawback Is!

Life itself is full of Problems…

They never seem to cease!

Bombs falling over here, bullets flying someplace else…

Illness and disease on one front, violence and crime on the other…

Half the world’s population lives in abject poverty, with hunger and starvation a daily threat…

Millions of people die annually from pre-mature death…

Accidents plague our daily lives; as humanity gropes through what can only be described as a dark-fog…

Why are these natural disasters, of every form imaginable, afflicting mankind?

Why are we forced to work our entire lives just to scratch a meager existence?

Why does true prosperity and abundance elude us?

It doesn’t make sense! We all love God with our hearts and souls!

Why doesn’t He make life better for us here on earth?

Is He playing with us? Is He pleased with Himself when we suffer on this earth?

Is He like, testing us or something?

Does He want to know if we’ll still love Him, even after throwing life’s miseries at us?

Apparently So!

This is exactly what He’s doing with us human-beings…


But the Truth Is! It’s not God at all that is throwing these adverse events at us! It is we ourselves that have written these unfavorable events into our lives, and it is the “Church” that wants us to be in this position of instability, suffering, and pain…

They Create The Problems In The First Place!

And then! They Offer The Solution to the Problems!

All for a Price of Course…

It is absolutely astounding how ignorant the masses of humanity are in regards to the Discipline known as the Holy Spirit! They all repeat the words!

They all say, “Holy Spirit” this, “Holy Spirit” that…

“The Holy Spirit is our Guide”…

“We love the Holy Spirit”…


But these words have no credence whatsoever! There is no weight or merit to their proclamation…

They are simply “Ghost Whisperers” when it comes to any knowledge or comprehension on their behalf…

Even within the “Molokan Nation”, the people who boast of “Manifest Spirituality”; the naivety into this subject matter boggles the mind.

We see the Holy Spirit work, once in a while, and everybody feels smug and safe that they are found under the umbrella of God’s Wings…

As if that’s all that is required from them!

“God Bless You”

“God Bless You”!

“No” “God Bless You”!!!

We all say the words! We all wish each other the “Blessings”

Each time we stand upon the “Kroogh” in prayer, We receive a “Blessing”!

But none us know what the actual “Words” to the “Blessing” contain! In many cases no words were actually spoken…

We are the ones blessing each other! And are pretending that these blessings are coming from the Heavenly Father no less…

How do we know this?

Because the accidents and illnesses are still occurring!

The misfortunes and losses still happen!

There is still loss of Life!

People still leave the Faith!

Our youth still defile themselves with smoke, drink, narcotics, and immorality!

There are weak family structures and domestic instability!

Divorce still happens!

And even though we close our eyes to the Fact!

The vast majority of our Molokan People never make it to Heaven! Because they have no clue what Heaven even is…

If we accept the Philosophies, Doctrines, Dogmas, and Teachings, of the False Pagan Christian Religion, as was crafted within the Temples of Babylon! How in the world do you even think that you even have a chance to make it someplace special in the After-Life?

The Masters of False Religion have created a “Hand-Book” of “Life”; within it, they supposedly covered every aspect of living a godly life, and establish for us the parameters of building a relationship with the very God of the Universe…

Unfortunately! These Masters of Deception had no true concern for the “Salvation of mankind”, all they wanted was the ability to maintain control over them! By piercing the tendrils of the soul, through passionate emotional stimulation, the hook was set, and now mankind will dance to the music of the flute no matter the tune…

The Bible reveals a Fairy Tale story full of Mythology and Mysticism about a God-Man/God who became flesh to live amongst us here on earth. An Omnipotent God that is really “Impotent”, because he was only capable of producing One Child; One Son, to become his “Only Begotten”… (for some reason the universal creator was limited in his creative power)

Building a “Personal Relationship with God” simply means the we read, study, and memorize the stanzas and verses written with black ink upon the pages… It’s all a mental thing! It’s all imagination!

Through the “Power of Thought” we become “One with God”!

There is no physical, visible, viable interaction whatsoever…

It’s a “Dream”!

It’s something called “Faith”! The “Act” of believing the unseen and unknown…

But this is the “Great Lie”!

This is the very foundation to the Deception of all ages…

That fact that the Holy Spirit is simply a “Ghost” that “Whispers” little thoughts into our sub-consciousness…

Instead of being a Living Breathing Entity, that Interacts with us in a Physically Manifest Form…

A “Body” that literally takes us by the hand, and leads us upon our own private “Prophetic Journey of Life”!

The “True Messiah” of Israel was simply a “Man” like you and I…

What made him special and unique was the fact that he grew and developed in the Power of the Holy Spirit to become the “Prophets” prophet; he became the “Seers” seer!

He became a miracle worker because he learned to “Trust” in himself; to “Believe” in himself; and to obey the “Voice” that was guiding him in his personal journey of growth…

He was a Prophet that discovered the True Nature of the Holy Spirit, and He aligned himself with the Greater Universal Consciousness; he Mastered his own weaknesses; and learned to Project his very Will through his Thoughts, and Spiritual Manifestation.

His purpose and goal was to teach us how all this happened! How it all came to be…

But the Pagan Culture of Rome could have no part of this Spirit-Life Mumbo Jumbo…

They made him into a God who demanded all humanity to worship and adore him…

He became both God the Father, and God the Son, and also, he even became the Holy Spirit. All we need to do is worship him, and all our sins are automatically forgiven us! We do not need to grow in the power and majesty of the Holy Spirit ourselves! It’s all done for us…

All we need to do is kiss the ring of the popes and his minions; come to the place of worship at least once a week; gaze at all the pictures drawn on the walls and ceilings of the temple; believe in the stories that are being depicted to us; have some water sprinkled on us; smell the smoke in the censer; and we have something called salvation…

Although the Protestant Nation eliminated the ritualistic elements of their service to this god; they have retained the Mythos to their Gothic Fairy Tale; and have actively propagated this philosophic belief system to the four corners of the planet…

For the most part, our Molokan Forefathers saw through the Deceptive Veil that has separated us from the Truth; we have likewise eliminated the Catholic Pagan Rituals of burning smoke, splashing water, waving bread, crosses, and other relics in the wind. We do not burn candles, or drink wine; we do not genuflect with our fingers; nor do we believe everything that the popes teach us; just like all Protestants of the World.

But we have taken a step further in the right direction, by remembering and adopting the ceremonial rituals established by the Apostolic Church of Israel; the ones that create a “Kroogh”; that place where the Spiritual Vortex comes alive in Manifest Spirituality…

This “Kroogh” separates us from all other religions, faiths, and sects of Christianity in the world; but our umbilical cord is still attached to the mother’s womb in regards to the “Faith” that we are preaching…


With the Creation of the Book:

“The Testament Of Joshua Ben Joseph”

“The Messiah Of Israel”

We finally have an opportunity to glance into the True Truth in regards to the Doctrines of Faith as they were taught by the Original Patriarchs of the “Woman Clothed In The Sun”…

Those that actually teach us how to build and create the Living Faith within ourselves; and demonstrate to us how to develop the Manifest Gifts of the Holy Spirit that will reveal all truth as it is spoken from the very Throne of Life…


There are “Two” distinct levels and categories to what is known as the Holy Spirit:

  • The Female Gender
  • The Masculine Gender


The Female Gender is responsible for teaching us to become good receptacles! We receive, collect, gather, and accept!

She acts as our Mother and Guide, and reveals to us, on all levels how to process the information that is pouring into us from many fronts. Our first opportunity is usually presented to us by our Church Elders, who give fundamental instruction into the journey of religious life, and open us to the channels of establishing within us both our basic concepts of spirituality and faith.

The Holy Spirit begins instructing us on how to sift through the information and data that is being presented to us, for not everything that every Elder speaks is correct or true…

Often times these individual are lacking within themselves any true concept or understanding of the spiritual life; but act and pretend that they alone understand the very elements unto the journey of salvation. But the reality is! All they truly posses is an opinion that they garnered from reading the Pagan Book called the “Bible”, and have listened to those who translated its meaning unto them…

Those who are simply both deaf and dumb to the voice of the Holy Spirit…

The Holy Spirit is a Teacher, but she speaks in a Parabolic, Angelic Language, which we must master in order to establish open channels of communication with her. This dialect in itself is full of mystery, but is not all that difficult to master; otherwise it would defeat its purpose.

And its purpose is to cloak the Majesty of God from those who are both lazy and slothful in their approach to living God’s Life here on earth…

It requires discipline, and a true commitment to your journey of salvation in order to garner the interest of the Angelic Beings dedicated to our growth and development in the Spiritual Gifts.

Our “Mother” Holy Spirit helps us discern the message that is coming into our body, soul, and mind; she opens up the intricate details, and subliminal nuances that bring vital direction to both our understanding and comprehension.

The Holy Spirit helps us to become the “Living Womb” which accepts the “Holy Seed” from our Heavenly Father; that which is conveyed to us by the Power of the Masculine Gender of the Holy Spirit.

Once those seeds are planted, a “Conception” takes place, the Birth of a new “Tendril” or thread that comes from someplace distinct, and will lead you in a direction that has both a positive purpose and directive, in the establishment of your personal Faith, and Belief Structure…

The Architect of Destiny has a Plan for you, that is specific and exclusive to you…

Allow God to Build your Life for You!

In this, you will experience an amazing ride, as you are being led upon your personal “Prophetic Journey Of Life”…

The Female Holy Spirit allows the Seed from the Male Holy Spirit to take root within us, and gives us not only the true understanding of the message, it helps that message become alive to us, and builds the necessary Faith needed for that plant to grow into productive fruition…

The Male Gender of the Holy Spirit has its own specific aspect to the Work of God; it is the “Giver”, and the “Teacher” of “Manifest Prophetic Spirituality”!

Here is were you yourself begin learning how to send forth from your body and spiritual matrix, positive, Building Material that will end up helping others live their life accordingly and correctly before God.

We are Builders and Creators!

We are Co-Creators with our Heavenly Father, who entrusts us with the building of Living Faith amongst humanity…

Our Tools are not many! But they include such things as the True Doctrines of Faith as revealed to us, and through us by the Acts of the Living Holy Spirit.

The True Architect is God the Father!

But we must decipher the code written into the blue-prints, which requires a developing spiritual mindset; proper education, and discipline in order to translate that message properly…

The Female Gender Holy Spirit makes our Body into a “Living Womb”, but it is the Male Child Holy Spirit that makes that “Womb” productive, as it gives birth to the new generations of Prophets, and Prophetic Workers, that will “Adorn the Church” With the Beauty and Majesty of the Living Heavenly Father.





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Alexander Baghdanov

Alexander’s life is truly an amazing one, as he has dedicated it to the pursuit of True “Truth”, and in training future young men and women in the prophetic gifts, opening the doors for each to discover their individual “Prophetic Journey Of Life”…

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