Creating Your Individual Spiritual Awakening

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Spiritual awakening refers to soul awakening!

It represents self-development, self-transformation, leading a balanced and integrated life, partaking of an internally joyous life, and experiencing a spiritual life.

Spiritual awakening is ingrained into our physiology by default, through the universal purpose of the DNA in each of us. We are already undergoing spiritual transformation; the pace, method and outward conditions differ. Becoming conscious of this silent awakening, we become open to make little practical steps in our life to expedite the process.

When we look around and see the world, we find that there is a gradual progression in the manifestation of spirit or consciousness in nature.

There are mountains, hills, stones, soil, rivers, and other water bodies that seem to be inert or dead.

We must not be deceived by the illusion!

All those things that combine to become the very foundation of our Earth Mother are in reality living, breathing entities, that are formed through a different vibrationary frequency than our own, so they seem lifeless to our senses. If we approached our observation through spiritual consciousness, we will sense the functioning of spirit in them as well.

Mountains, rivers, ground, air, water, etc… have their own cycles of life, as they evolve through the many transitional phases of development.

The next advanced form comes in the form of plants and animals. There is of course a gradual complexity from one celled plants and animals to giant ones.

We find the pinnacle of the manifestation of consciousness in human beings…

Let us become humble because with this truth comes the great responsibility for manifesting the full potential of Spirit in our Life; perhaps it is the true purpose of all of us.

It is possible that we are all guided by manifest destiny through our present actions, in order to serve this purpose in conscious and unconscious ways.

When we experience that there is something grand, something magnificent, and supernatural, through some creative or governing principle in life, we open ourselves to the possibility of spiritual awakening on a conscious level.

Spiritual awakening is a gradual process…

It is an unwritten commandment that we are unconsciously following…

The only prerequisite is to become aware of it and then start making those needed steps toward it consciously.

The Four Classes Of Spiritually Advancing Persons:

  • When we are leading a normal everyday life, we are also making spiritual advancement; but it happens passively.
  • When we are involved in a religious life, actively following the dogmatic teachings of some religion, we are progressing toward this goal much faster. The original base teachings of each of the different religions in our world revolve around the same principles; adhering to them will in effect progress us forwards spiritually. Unfortunately! The core practices of any religious path are practiced by very few individuals, and yet, they are the scientific means to our spiritual awakening!                                                       Few individuals are able to dive deep enough in these precious teachings and implement them in their lives. They are truly practicing the essence of all religions even though they might be following a particular religious path.
  • Next in line are the spiritual teachings. They are different from dogmas and doctrines of religion and morality, even though they include all the good things of them. Spiritual teachings are the direct means of spiritual awakening in a direct and practical way. These are the underlying science of all religions; they are the different pathways of freedom in Spirit.
  • The spiritual development can be tremendously progressive when we come in contact with spiritually advanced, and enlightened individuals. Just as metal becomes a magnet by coming in contact with another powerful magnet.

Understanding The Practical Aspect Of Spiritual Awakening:

Spiritual awakening is the unfolding of Spirit in us. We know in theory that we are souls, but our thoughts, speech and behavior are far away from the spiritually attuned life. Under normal conditions, we are influenced and attached to objects of the five senses of sound, touch, vision, taste and smell, and of course, to prejudices, and biases caused by the indoctrinated conditioning of our mind.

When we are advancing spiritually, we become connected at first with our own soul – the consciousness in us. Then, Spirit begins to influence our mind and body; this is like gradual spiritualization of our entire being.

We become more peaceful, more content, more productive, more integrated, more in harmony within ourselves and with all of nature. We feel connected. The bonds of senses and bad habits begin to loose their hold on us.

Ultimately! They shed off as if they had been foreign to us. We begin to accept ourselves; we become more connected; and we manifest the joy that is our nature.

Remember! Pleasure is derived from contact of desired sense objects to our senses; and joy is our internal nature.

I remember the saying of one great saint. He preached to his disciples, “The true sign of spiritual advancement is getting non-causal joy during your spiritual practices and feeling glimpses of it during your working hours. Gradually as you become more and more intoxicated with this joy, know that you are progressing in Spirit. You will be fulfilled with this joy like no other things.”

This equals to the “Rejoicing in Spirit” mentioned in the teaching of primitive Christianity.

Another important sign is feeling connected with all: nature, humanity, the cosmos, and with all that exists. At first, the feeling of connectedness will be with our own self. Then, this experience will broaden; the whole life, whole nature, the whole universe will feel connected.

Most people attach miracles with spiritual advancement.

It is non-issue with spiritually awakened person. Miracles are the normal functioning of spiritually advanced individuals. They are more able to experience and work through deep states of consciousness. It is natural to experience them.

The most important thing is to realize and accept that we are here for spiritual awakening. This realization could be instant under some instances, or it could be gradual like in most cases.

Second step is making little steps leading a more healthy, intelligent and balanced life.

Third step is following spiritual practices and then adhering to some specific one that is more appealing to us.

Fourth step is not worrying too much about spiritual awakening. When you eat healthy and exercise and follow some good diet plan, you grow healthier naturally, day by day, each day. The same applies to spiritual growth.

Leave this part in the hands of the “Spirit”, let Him/Her take care of you…


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Alexander Baghdanov

Alexander’s life is truly an amazing one, as he has dedicated it to the pursuit of True “Truth”, and in training future young men and women in the prophetic gifts, opening the doors for each to discover their individual “Prophetic Journey Of Life”…

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