The Cosmology Of The Essene Nation

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The Law of Life was planted in the Garden of the Brotherhood to enlighten the heart of man and to make straight before him all the ways of true righteousness.

To create a humble spirit, an even temper, a freely compassionate nature, and to engender eternal goodness! To refine the art of understanding, insight, and mighty wisdom, which believes in all God’s works with a confident trust in His many blessings; and a spirit of knowledge in all things of the Great Order.

To develop loyal feelings toward all the Children of Truth, through a radiant purity which loathes everything impure, a discretion regarding all the hidden things of truth and secrets of inner knowledge.

The Word, “Essene”, means the “Pure Ones”.

A people dedicated to the pursuit of personal inner perfection; perpetually traveling upon the prophetic journey of salvation; into the higher dimensions of greater realms beyond the physical carnality of earth.

The Communions were created, in order to find that path that leads into the inner-kingdom of God within the bosom of our entity; a place, which cannot be traversed by the feet of our flesh; but only by the soul of our spirit.

The Essene is a sojourner who has come to understand the value and purpose of this reality; and can read the guide-posts that show him the way home; that place from which we all came.

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Alexander Baghdanov

Alexander’s life is truly an amazing one, as he has dedicated it to the pursuit of True “Truth”, and in training future young men and women in the prophetic gifts, opening the doors for each to discover their individual “Prophetic Journey Of Life”…

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