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Let me reveal to you one of the greatest secrets of life!

It has to do with the mysterious and hidden technology of your everyday computer…

Do you even know how this technology works?

Do you comprehend the systems that are harnessed in order for data processing to work?

How does it store and find your files?

Where does memory go when not in use?

How is it that people are able to write programs?

They utilize a unique language, which consists of a series of symbols, including source-codes, machine-codes, algorithms, meta-tags, hash-tags and plug-ins; with this they produce application and system software that instructs the computer how to work.
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We all know and understand the fact that we live in a three dimensional reality, which is measured by length, depth, and height!

Within this virtual presence we exist; it is home to our physical bodies, which are constructed of organic elements and particles gathered and formulated by vibratory frequencies of our universe.

Our universe itself is a manifestation of thought and mental intent; we call this power, “God”! This entity places into motion three primary components: light, sound, and vibration! Through a process known as quantum physics, or “Spirituality”, millions of individual, invisible strands of energy, which are like threads, begin being inter-woven into what becomes known as the fabric of life.

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The Destruction Of Ancient Spiritual Cultures

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The Destruction Of Ancient Spiritual Cultures

One of the most reprehensible acts of modern mankind; those who consider themselves to be sophisticated, cultured, educated, and civilized, is the extermination of “Spirit Based Societies” as many of the original indigenous aboriginal natives of many continents where.

Pogroms of systematic genocide were actuated against these people, simply because their cultures were misunderstood; this lead to an atmosphere of suspicion and fear; soon followed by destructive forces and actions.
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The Canon Of Scripture

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The Canon Of Scripture

Volumes have been written on the study of canon!

And Yet! Canon is the least understood of methodologies by the masses of modern day Christianity. To canonize what is referred to as Biblical Scriptures, is in fact as simple as it sounds; the writings of Christ, the Prophets, and Apostolic men, simply blown to bits, into unrecognizable, garbled junk mail of which our Modern Day Bibles are comprised…

And then by sword, spear, arrow, and knife, threaten anyone who so much as raises a doubting question against the Occult Hierarchy that instituted the fraud, and produced those (supposedly) “Accepted Version” of the scriptures.
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The Jewish Law Of Circumcision

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Law Of Circumcision

The Lizard God Of Israel Commandeth!


Chapter 17

9: And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefor, thou, and thy seed after thee, in their generations,

10: This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you, and thy seed after thee; Every man-child among you shall be circumcised.

11: And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you.
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Babylon Rising Part 23

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The Race Of Nephal

The Race Of Nephal

The secret to the generation of the Nephelim, begins with understanding the proper translation of the Hebrew language.

By biblical doctrine, we are led to believe that the Nephelim are fallen angels who have defied their higher calling as angelic workers within the Realm of the Supreme God; they left their spiritual state in order to partake with the carnality of mankind for the specific purpose of partaking in sexual relations with womankind.
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Babylon Rising Part 22

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Constantine of the Roman Empire

In order to better understand the religion of Christianity and the evolution of the Vatican, one needs to have some knowledge about its early history.

After the original Apostles of Yeshua had died off, and the gentiles had already diverted to form their own brand of religion that would become Christianity, we know that during that era, Christianity was a mishmash of different beliefs, espoused by various “church fathers”. Records of early Christianity during this time frame is very sparse. We know that there were a great many distinctly different sects of Christianity during the first decades after Yeshua’s death.
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Babylon Rising Part 21

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Mount Sinai

“Mount Sinai” Also Known As Mt Horeb

When Moses took refuge in the land of Midian to escape the displeasure of the Pharaoh, he met Jethro and settled near Mount Horeb. The land of Midian was in northeast Arabia on the eastern shore of the Gulf of Aqaba. From here the Midianites spread north into the Sinai and into Moab and the land west of Edom.

The Midianites called themselves “the sons of the serpent,” and apparently were descendants of the Anunnaki who were assigned the task of defending the installations at Mount Sinai and Kadesh.
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Babylon Rising Part 20

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Babylon Rising Part 20


Today, the climate of Palestine is harsh and dry. There are many indications that it may have been much different 5,000 years ago. Researches based on pollen spectra and profiles obtained from all of Palestine reveals that rainfall was much more abundant in the Third Millennium BC.

Research at Tel Aviv University has shown that rainfall at that time had a different pattern. Rain probably originated from warm fronts pushed into Palestine by the western winds all the way from the Atlantic Ocean, whereas present-day thunderstorms originate over the eastern Mediterranean. This phenomenon would result in summer rains and subsequently a greater annual rainfall. This would explain the abundant vegetation as shown by pollen distribution and particularly the wider distribution of the deciduous oak in the past. It supports the statements in the Old Testament that refer to Palestine as “a land of milk and honey.”
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